Why tech ain't going to help trump admistration
Watching the new president, I'm struck by the fact that he is making almost the identical mistake President Obama made during his first two years. Trump has picked a major entitlement to hang his hat on -- the same major entitlement, healthcare -- and shortly will discover what most CIOs know: You don't mess with anything that touches everybody.
The likely outcome will be that like Obama, Trump will lose the house in the next election, and that the Republicans will be forced out of power over the next four to eight years, all for an avoidable, repeated mistake.
Interestingly, tech has products -- Watson, for example -- that not only could prevent this but also could ensure the success of any administration that chose to use them. By success, I mean success in war, success in peace, success in approval ratings, and success in economic achievement.
However, Watson can't help President Trump for much the same reason it can't help CEOs in general. I'll share my thoughts on why, and why we should fix that, and close with my product of the week: the Ryzen 5, a new processor from AMD that hits the sweet spot for those of us who like to build gaming rigs on a budget.
Wrapping Up: Why Tech Can't Help
This takes me full circle, in that I don't think Donald Trump and most CEOs would want a tool that made them look like they needed it. Yes, it would make them far more successful. Yes, it would benefit their firm or country dramatically. Yes, it could make the difference between leaving as a success or as a failure. However, all of that pales against the unfortunate appearance of having to admit that the job is beyond them -- even though it simply is.
This is as foolish as someone who can't swim trying to impress a date by not wearing a life jacket on a boat. People make that kind of bad decision every day, and top executives are human. It makes me wonder if, at the top of a company or country, we should be tossing out the Watson augment strategy and just have it run the whole thing.
Unless something changes, I bet we eventually get there.